
5 responses to “1st-off-camera-145

  1. Aunt Be

    I think this was before Kathy and Brian went to Taiwan for the first time…….or either their first furlough home. Kathy can tell you when for sure.

  2. Aunt Diane

    I think this was taken when the McDonalds lived in Mobile the year before going to Taiwan for the first time.

  3. Mom

    I can’t remember either. I was a great trip, by the way, if they still run it. It lasted several hours and we went way down the river.

  4. Dad

    Yep thru a lock and into the bayou. Alaina and Mar you remember that Pentax camera over my shoulder. We paid about $150 for it. If I remember the money came from me playing at the Blueroom. It was a good time.

  5. Dad

    You know what I bet there are some pics from this somewhere. If I get the chance I will look at the ones I got. Maybe! I will have to be up for that you know walk down the old past and all that stuff.

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